Kyle Acosta is an indie filmmaker with more stories to tell…

by Gordon Shelly

Kyle Acosta wrote his first screenplay when he was four years old and has been looking for ways to create and tell stories ever since! He’s a self-made indie director, producer, screenwriter, and actor. His first professionally made film, Children’s Games, was released in 2012. His most recent feature, The Duke, had its premiere in Las Vegas in 2023.

INFLUX Magazine had the honor of sitting down with Kyle and learning more about him,  his movies, and his career.

INFLUX: What are you currently working on that you can share with us?

KYLE: I am currently working on post for my new film, Someone to Love Goose (2024), which deals with an estranged sibling returning home to help resolve a domestic dispute after the death of the family patriarch.

INFLUX: What are your hopes for your current project?

KYLE: I don’t like making films that allow you to escape and zone out. I hope to submit my current film to Tribeca, Sundance, Cannes, Toronto, and Raindance for competition.

INFLUX: What have been your greatest challenges as an indie filmmaker?

KYLE: Financing. Getting investors, production companies, or studios to take a chance on something new rather than bank on something we know already works and have seen before.

Each film I’ve made I have taught myself a new aspect of filmmaking. From the basics of camera work to film distribution, I have handled every aspect personally.

INFLUX: What has been your most significant accomplishment as a filmmaker?

KYLE: All of it. Just the mere fact that I still find myself doing it or am able to do it I think is a significant accomplishment in its own right. It’s very easy to be defeated, burned out or worse. I’m most proud of the fact that all of my projects have been self funded. I have been able to build a separate career outside of filmmaking while also supporting my family.

INFLUX: Tell us about some of your past projects and where we can watch them if they’re available.

KYLE: Children’s Games (2012) is about two college students Charlie (Kyle Acosta) and Rick (Tim Glidewell) find themselves at each other’s throats. When given the opportunity, Rick blackmails Charlie into a final ultimatum. When Charlie gets an idea for revenge, events quickly begin to spiral out of control and change their lives forever. That film can be found for free on YouTube.

Rightways Down (2017) is about a drug runner, a prostitute, an excessive cop, and a psychotic vigilante — all come crashing together after a group of criminals rip off a local crime boss, sending everyone spiraling out of control into oblivion. This film is on most streaming platforms including TUBI, Roku, Vudu, and PLEX

The Duke (2022) is about a chief security director of a Las Vegas casino is inadvertently drawn into helping with a hostage situation, when a man known only as The Duke, takes his former mentor’s son captive. This film premiered in theaters at Las Vegas, Nevada in May of 2022. It went on to win over 15 best film awards during its festival run and will be released later on this spring on streaming networks. Release date still to be announced

INFLUX: What goals to you have for yourself moving forward?

KYLE: After the release of Goose I am taking a year off to recharge and spend much needed time with friends and loved ones. During that time I will be primarily writing and getting ready to prep for pre-production for our future projects that are slated for 2025 on.

INFLUX: What advice would you give to your younger self just starting out?

KYLE: Try not to stress so damn much. I’ve probably shaved a few years off my life with the amount of needless stress I have put on myself. So to my younger self, don’t stress. Keep your head straight and take your time. It’ll all work out.

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