Enjoyably Flawed.

Ok, I’ve just finished watching The Inflicted and the ending is a bit of a head scratcher to say the least. Mmm. So, this is a respectable directorial debut by writer and star Matthan Harris, who I see has some experience by way of several shorts. I think he was a touch ambitious with this film with its complexity, because it’s an intriguing story, certainly worthy of putting to film, but a more subtle hand would have served this story better. Even so, the appeal was in its rawness, and since when did first movies turn out perfectly?

One thing I tend to see in debut movies is the pacing and/or acting are usually all over the place but this little flick had a nice consistency that, while not perfect was still a sign of talent, in my extremely humble opinion. However, there were one or three cringe-worthy moments, like the big speech David makes to his final victim; My name is David O’Hara. I am the most wanted man in the United States of America. I have chosen you to be my next victim! I was smiling instead of feeling dread (Sorry, Matthan!) and also reminded of Pulp Fiction when Jules (Samuel L Jackson) would make the infamous speech before killing his victims.
David O’Hara has witnessed his baby sister being killed by a crazy father and now he is damaged goods. You know, the opening scene where we see his father (Bill Moseley) casually push his tiny cute daughter into the pool was very effective and was one of my favorite scenes. He becomes a medical student (what is it with serial killers becoming med students?) with mega misogynistic tendencies, and a need to impregnate any poor girl he can coax back to his home. He successfully gets Melissa (Lindsay Hightower) pregnant and releases her, after making her swear she won’t let anything happen to the baby, with dire consequences if not.

The bottom line is, I really did enjoy this movie and seeing the little (or not so little) occasional mistakes, but I also saw raw talent that in a few short years just may become the next M Night or dare I say it? Tommy Wiseau. But no, I only jest. Mr. Harris looks to me like a man who we shall be hearing very good things about in the near future, and I’m pretty certain the script for the follow up is being written as I type this. This little indie is worthy of a watch and may please some more than others but it most certainly pleased me.

Johnny’s Score: 7/10

Review by Johnny Thomas