A chance to hear a good story in person.

by Martin Hafer

Hurry up, New Orleans, Baltimore and Philadelphia! You are the final two stops for the stage show A John Waters Christmas, Holier and Dirtier! I just saw this strange but very engaging one-man show in Clearwater, Florida where the creator of such classic of bad taste films as Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble shares a lot of memories, stories and advice…all of which eventually somehow come back to the Christmas theme. I’ve loved his films for years and loved his filmed stage show This Filthy World (available streaming on Netflix here in the States) but never got a chance to see him on stage until tonight…though I did sit next to him and talk with him at a British Air lounge a few years back. But that’s another story for another time…

Martin Hafer and John Waters

I really wasn’t 100% sure what to expect with the show. When I got tickets, I had a chance to pay extra for a meet & greet after the show and did because although I adore his films, my friend Guy is certifiably insane for the man! And, I knew I had to surprise Guy with meeting his idol. Oddly, however, they would not allow any photos at the event…only a complimentary photo taken by the staff photographer of the three of us. Because of that, I only have the one photo of Mr. Waters for the article…along with a dark and lousy photo I snapped of him in the lounge some time ago that the editor probably doesn’t want to use! It’s a shame…but that’s the way it was. Fortunately, he was gracious enough to sign posters for us…after informing us that whoever sold them to us sold unauthorized ‘knock-off’ posters! Oops!! Sorry, Mr. Waters…I didn’t know! Plus I got them off Amazon! Thankfully, he was good natured about this gaff and signed them!
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And this gets me to the show itself. Not surprisingly, it was rather adult and fortunately there wasn’t a kid in sight at the performance. It consisted of Waters talking and talking and talking about a variety of topics…some of which I doubt if our editor would let me repeat here. But they were very funny stories…a bit adult, a bit crude but always funny. That’s because Waters is the ultimate raconteur–a man who seems to have 1001 stories and the ability to engage the audience like no other! See this guy now if you have the chance. And if you don’t, perhaps you can see him the next time he’s in your area. According to Waters, he travels all the time and sooner or later he’s bound to be in your home town!