Burn, Witch. Burn!

The title of this weeks installment could describe Fiona’s face and eyes being covered in sulphuric acid, or it could be for the witch that gets burned to death. Either is rather appropriate. With the previous two episodes, The Replacements & Fearful Pranks Ensue, being as great as they were, it was inevitable that when things returned to normal (if such a thing even exists in AHS), it would seem slow and tedious by comparison. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was waiting on Micheal Jackson’s Thriller to chime in at any second while the zombies were on the attack, particularly when Zoe was locked in that out-building where she finds a chainsaw. (Way to go, Zoe!).

American Horror Story
Created by
Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk
Taissa Farmiga, Emma Roberts, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Frances Conroy, Kathy Bates, Lily Rabe, Jessica Lange
Episode Release Date
6 November 2013
Ed’s Grade: A

Burn, Witch. Burn! begins at a ball in the home of Madame Delphine LaLaurie (back-in-the-day), and it’s Halloween time for her guests. Delphine’s daughter catches the eye of a suitor but Delphine being who she is, scares the guy away by showing off her horrors. This sets us up for what follows. Last episode saw a trio of zombies at the door, who it turns out are Delphine’s daughters. They, along with loads of others, were raised by an angry Marie Laveau. We already know that Marie is very powerful and we also know that it’s gonna take a powerful witch to stop whats happening. Fiona is attending to Cordelia but it looks as though we may have found the new Supreme. Or not.
Fiona is upset, angry and high and while at the hospital where Cordelia is being treated, she breaks into a room where they keep her fave drugs which allows her to stock up on some choice meds. Fiona is wandering about stoned then comes across a grieving mother with a little still-born baby in a crib. She picks the baby up and hands her to her mother, then we get some more weird action going on. Fiona’s showing that she can be a loving and caring mother, however, she just chooses not to be.

Zoe helps fight off the zombies (and Tiassa looked remarkably like her big sis, Vera Farmiga while doing so) and discovers she has a power other than just a killer lady-part. Nan appears to be in her element after Fiona allows her to keep the “holy roller’s” son in her bed, after he witnessed all the zombie action first hand, but who knows how he’ll fit into the story now.

The council also arrive just after the zombies are dealt with, to get Fiona to abdicate as the Supreme but Fiona is more than prepared for her arch enemy, Myrtle Snow. This was quite good and was not unworthy of Breaking Bad, where Walt always managed to wriggle out of just about anything. Fiona shows just how low she can be by dragging Queenie into her scheme and then buttering up the girl with sweet nothings about how she could be the next Supreme.

Because Delphine and Fiona have had tragedy befall them regarding their children, Delphine tries to get Fiona to share in their grief. You can imagine how Fiona responds to that. Fiona also had a lot to say to Cordelia’s crazy husband when he arrives at the hospital. It was interesting that Delia finally gets to see what Hank is really like, after he holds her hand and sees through his eyes into the recent past. Kyle was in the last episode but not this, and after an absence, Misty Day makes a brief, but very important appearance at the end.

The trailer for next Wednesday’s episode, The Axeman Cometh, is next to this TV roundup.

TV Review by Ed Blackadder, Lead Entertainment Writer

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