Emmy-winning actor Gil Bellows talks about his new movie Girl on the Edge
Actor-director Gil Bellows graciously took time out from a very busy schedule to answer a few questions about his latest film for INFLUX Magazine.
by Paul Booth
Paul Booth: Besides the script itself and the fact that Jay Silverman was directing, what specific qualities of the story made you want to be part of Girl on the Edge?
Gil Bellows: I have two kids. Telling stories that can create conversations between parents and their children abut crucial issues and at the same time hold on to the most important part of any story’s responsibility; to entertain its audience is important to me.
Paul: Did you want it to be more an entertainment piece or did you have a strong social stance about its themes?
Gil Bellows: A film should work on multiple levels.
Paul: How long were you part of the process? Your character seemed like he had a lot of nuances that were not just “on the page.” Any favorite additions you made?
Gil Bellows: I worked with director Jay Silverman and his team on the script. Jay was very collaborative in the development stage and embraced the give and take of my ideas and input.
Paul: What part of the character did you like and what part was the hardest to play?
Gil Bellows: Playing a loving, caring parent who doesn’t have all the answers and is suffering along with his daughter was challenging, but is also what drew me to be in this film.
Paul: What is it like to work with such a diverse group of actors who varied in age and experience, each known for different roles?
Gil Bellows: Each job becomes its own experience and everyone helps build the nucleus of what that film becomes. I’ve been very fortunate to work with incredibly talented people both in front and behind the camera and this film was no different.
Paul: Out of the many fantastic movies you’ve been involved with–including Temple Grandin where you would go on to win an Emmy–which would you consider to be your favorites?
Gil Bellows: The Shawshank Redemption, Love and a .45, The Weatherman, Judas Kiss, Sweet Land, Three Days in Havana, Dead Draw and Temple Grandin.

Paul: Not surprisingly, most movie fans will forever attached your name to that wonderful cinema classic The Shawshank Redemption. What’s it like to be immortalized in such a powerful movie that will undoubtedly outlive everyone?
Gil Bellows: Every person in the entertainment business hopes they are a part of at least one project that will stand the test of time. The more of them you can be a part of the better your ability to sustain a long and satisfying career. I hope that by the time I am no longer walking this earth I’ll have a handful or two of films or TV shows that will connect with people as long as there are movies and tv shows to watch and people to watch them.
Paul: Do you you have any wisdom you picked up while making Girl on the Edge that you can pass on to our readers?
Gil Bellows: I was just reminded of something that is so simple but something that is easy to forget. We all make mistakes. How we deal with them is what is most important
Paul: Do you have any upcoming projects you’d like to share with us?
Gil Bellows: I just directed my first film, Three Days in Havana, that will come out on VOD on April 16th. It stars myself, Greg Wise, Chris Heyerdahl, Rya Kihlstedt, Michael Eklund and Phyllida Law. It’s a dark, comic thriller and I can’t wait for people to see it. You can watch the trailer here.
Paul: As well as acting, you’ve also written and directed. Are there any other aspects of filmmaking you’d like to try your hand at?
Gil Bellows: Producer … or craft service!
Paul: Thank you, Gil Bellows.
First ran on 27th February 2015