Big Brother Brouhaha.
CBS’s Big Brother is six episodes into its 15th season. For all the naysayers who said reality was a passing phase, say nay no more, for it appears here to stay. With that, let’s check in on the Big Brother household …
This is a big night in the big bad Big Brother house. Will the tide turn? Will the forces of good overcome the forces of evil? Since Sunday’s show, a new “secret alliance” of nine has formed. That is, if hands shaken, promises made, and oaths taken can be believed. Either justice will prevail, or a five way double cross will move out the next victim of the five man Moving Company.
It appears Elissa, Helen, Andy, Candace, Amanda, Jessie, Judd, Howard, and Spencer have formed a nine person alliance to evict Nick and stick Jeremy.
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“De facto Head of Household” Jeremy has contracted the deadly “Balloon Head Syndrome.” He now believes he is ruler of the world. He is a full on misogynist and bully. This last week he actually wiped his butt with Elissa’s hat. Days later he was forced to apologize. This has not been revealed to the television viewing audience.
Several members of the cast have revealed themselves to be racist, sexist, and homophobic. Very little of their horrific behavior has made it past the live feeds and onto the broadcast show. Let’s hope CBS steps up and sets this right with more than a disclaimer statement.
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News Flash! Just in! Nick evicted by a 7 – 4 vote. Jeremy, Kaitlin, Gina Marie, and devious Howard failed in their attempt to evict Elissa. Howard double-crossed the nine, but McCrae came through. Does this mean the Moving Company is bankrupt?
And now, the frosting on the cake — Helen wins Head of Household, and this means heads will roll. Stay tuned.
Grade: B
Review by Elizabeth Barsuglia, special to Influx Magazine