Fast X is bigger, faster, and muddled in this action-filled billion dollar B-movie franchise

by Ed Blackadder

Fast X, the latest installment in the long-running franchise, fails to deliver the excitement and charm that fans have come to expect. Despite its high-octane action sequences and star-studded cast, the film falls flat in terms of storytelling and character development.

However, the same can be said for virtually every other installment in this franchise. With that, if you’ve enjoyed the right this far, you’ll probably buckle up and enjoy this as well (even though the plot makes almost no sense).

One of the major issues with Fast X is its lackluster plot, or rather, the lack of a plot. This movie just happens. The film attempts to introduce a convoluted storyline and a multitude of new characters, but it feels forced and overly complicated. The plot twists and turns are predictable and lack any real emotional depth, making it difficult to invest in the narrative.

Jason Momoa steals most of the scenes he is in, appearing to have an incredibly fun time with his nonsensical character.

Even with Momoa, the character development in Fast X is sorely lacking. The film relies too heavily on the established personas of its main characters, failing to provide any meaningful growth or exploration of their personalities. The dialogue feels forced and clichéd, and the interactions between the characters come off as contrived and unconvincing.

This movie is filled with “wow” but without a worthwhile story to give any of the action sequences any real purpose other than just to be there, the movie is just not interesting.

Another disappointment in the film is the wasted potential of the talented cast. Despite the presence of A-list actors, their performances feel phoned in and uninspired. Vin Diesel, who has been the face of the franchise, delivers a lackluster performance, lacking the charisma and energy that made his character so engaging in previous films. The supporting cast, including Michelle Rodriguez and Tyrese Gibson, are given little to do and are reduced to one-dimensional stereotypes.

Additionally, the pacing is uneven, with long stretches of exposition and dialogue-heavy scenes that slow down the momentum of the film. As a result, the film feels unnecessarily long and becomes a test of endurance for the audience.

Furthermore, the lack of originality in Fast X is disappointing. The film rehashes familiar themes and plot elements from previous entries in the franchise, offering nothing new or fresh. It feels like a tired retread of the same formula, without any innovation or creative risks.

Fast X is a disappointing addition to the franchise, but it promises to be the first of a trilogy that brings the franchise to a conclusion. But even that makes about as much sense as the plotline.

Ed’s Grade: C