A film that dares to be different
by Martin Hafer
Official Synopsis: In this wry “reverse Lolita” tale, 18-year-old Lake discovers he has an unusual attraction for the elderly. Fate lands him a job at an assisted-living facility where he develops an intimate relationship with Mr. Peabody.
Upon discovering that the clients are being over-medicated to make them more manageable, Lake weans Mr. Peabody off his medication and helps him escape, resulting in a road trip that deepens their bond. The always-provocative Bruce LaBruce returns with a delicately perverse romantic comedy that is both darkly humorous and emotionally heartfelt.
- Gerontophilia
- Directed by
Bruce LaBruce - Cast
Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, Walter Borden, Katie Boland - Release Date
7 July 2015 - Martin’s Grade: C+
Bruce LaBruce’s Gerontophilia was difficult film for me to watch on a number of levels. Of course, this is precisely the point when a filmmaker tackles taboos or anything that goes beyond the “social norm,” which is exactly what this challenging, but beautifully made film does so well.
Gerontophilia tells the story of a young man, Lake, who works with the elderly. Over time Lake finds that he’s become sexually attracted towards some of the elderly men in his care, however his interest soon goes far beyond a passing fancy. Lake begins to not only fantasize about them sexually, but even peeks at a naked man while he’s sleeping and he pleasures himself while doing so. This part of the film felt like it was simply a tool to achieve shock value, which for me cheapened the romantic aspect of the tale.
The bottom line is that while I did think the plot was overly complicated and muddled by Lake being what many would consider a sex offender at the nursing home, the film at least dared to be different. More importantly, the film had some excellent things going for it. The acting is first-rate with the music just terrific, really working well and elevating the material. The directing was also very sweet and deliberate, and I’d really like to see more from the director. Well worth seeing.
Gerontophilia will be released 07/07/15 on DVD by Strand Releasing.