Although years pass, it’s just like it was yesterday…
by Martin Hafer
This film is for the most part a one-woman show with Angie (Joan Westmoreland) looking through an old drawer and reminiscing about her past. You slowly learn through voice-over narration that this 60-something year-old lady is lamenting the death of her daughter all the way back in 1970. As the woman goes through this long unopened drawer, the old pain comes rushing back. Apparently, the girl died, as a result of something her drug-addicted mother, Angie, did…and Angie is having a difficult time living with herself. Why she ruined her life as well as the crazy things she’s done to suppress her pain are all part of this short film.
Ghosts of the Long Ago Drawer is brooding and thoughtful, and sets a depressing tone that matches Angie’s pain. Al Germani did a fine job in maintaining this mood and also leaving the viewer both horrified and on the edge of their seat as Angie struggles with thoughts of killing herself once and for all.
TRAILER: • Ghosts of the Long Ago Drawer • from Al Germani on Vimeo.