Diane Rose Kelly: Language of the Universe.

Paul Booth: What style of music do you play? What would be the top 5 albums you would stick a time capsule for people to find 100 years from now?

Diane Rose Kelly: Thank you for asking. I consider music inspirational pop, rock and groove.

DRK: The top five albums/CD’S would be: Diane Rose Kelly “Avalon Rose” (when it is recorded), Michael Jackson, “Thriller”, Bon Jovi, “New Jersey”, The Beatles, “One”, and Prince, “Purple Rain”…those cd’s will keep people alive!

PB: Where are you from? What little differences do you see in musicians from New Jersey and musicians from Los Angeles?

DRK: My hometown is Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Little differences would be writing from a sense of community and loyalty. In New Jersey, there is a family/friendship vibe that is hard to find in LA. In New Jersey, there is hard core honor and loyalty to friends and family like no other place. People are straight forward and honest, whether you like it or not. Since so many people flock to LA from all over the world there is a transient vibe here. It seems many folks crash upon LA with a dream or expectation and so the roots of deep bonds are secondary and difficult to create, at least in my opinion. Everyone has a different experience to write about, but you cannot help but be influenced by the town and state you grew up in, New Jersey is just in your attitude. You can take the girl outta Jersey, never the Jersey outta the girl! who said that anyway? lol

PB: Would you say there is one musician that moves you most? One you listen to 3-5 times a week?

DRK: Right now, I listen to a lot of Train and Gavin DeGraw. I love the way they write and sing from the heart. Helps to have shared the stage with both acts. Some of my other Favorite acts are: Bon Jovi, Pink, Mary J Blige, and I like this new artist, Bruno Mars, good stuff!

PB: What are you main goals as a musician?

DRK: To continue to write songs with soul sincerity. To perform worldwide. To promote personal power among young adults through music, song, poetry, books. To touch, uplift, and inspire as many lives as I can with my songs and music. To reach that place inside of people where inner harmony meets verbal sound. To help other artists promote unity consciousness through positive, authentic, music. To help all people live the inner vision for the outer walk.
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PB: Are you a solo artist or do you have a band?

DRK: I am a solo artist. I hire backing musicians for band shows.

PB: How long have you been playing?

DRK: 15 years total. 2 years as a solo artist.

PB: Tell us a bit about your most recent show and upcoming shows?

DRK: My most recent show was my “Live To Inspire Showcase” (Thursday, October, 10th, 2013) 8 PM at The Guitar Merchant in Canoga Park, CA. The audience members rated my songs and listed them in preference order. I am creating a new CD and asked the audience for some feedback on their favorite songs. It was very helpful and the night had such a great vibe! A lot of love in the room!

My next show is Diane Rose Kelly Live! Thursday, October 24th, 8pm @The Guitar Merchant in Canoga, Park, CA. “bring a rose”..

PB: What is your musical message for the readers?

DRK: My Musical Message: When you come to one of my shows know my goal is song sincerity. The delivery of my song is most important to me so I can portray honesty and a sense of raw emotion. I am in the moment when I am singing every word, note, and melody. I hope to inspire and lift you to a new feeling state, so that when you leave you take with you a feeling of joy, love, and connection. You take with you inspiration. And in the time your with me, you forget the stresses of life and have some fun!

My goal is that you take with you a part of my soul sincerity through music and song, and in return, I take with me, your attentive love and appreciation as it builds my momentum for the next show! It’s a journey we are on together.

Interview by Paul Booth, Lead Entertainment Writer

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