Join the Posse!

Want to appear in a comic book? Here’s your chance.

A posse is being formed and we’re looking for two more members.

It’s a dangerous mission and survival is unlikely, but if you’re man (or woman) enough keep reading to find out what you can do to join the posse:

1. Like the Influx Magazine Facebook Page and do the following:

2. You MUST, leave a comment, and post a picture (see below for guidelines) on the InfluxMagazine/Dark Hours Contest Post on the Facebook Page explaining why you’d make a good member of the posse.

Guidelines for Posting a Picture:

Two winners will be selected and made into characters that will appear in the second issue and perhaps beyond (no promises, Redemption is an unsafe place).

The contest closes August 31st. Winners will be notified via Facebook, at which time head shots will be requested so that the artist may complete the transformation process.

Buy The Dark Hours #1

The Dark Hours is a three part series. Issue #1 is currently available at:
Amazon (Kindle)
IndyPlanet (Printed)

Learn all about The Dark Hours at

The Dark Hours
The Dark Hours