Love Is to Die (Spoiler Warning)

This has been the best episode I’ve seen in quite some time from True Blood, with Jess and Hoyt getting back together and some excellent humor thrown in for good measure. The Scene with Ginger and Eric had me laughing so hard, with the look on Eric’s face just priceless. Ginger is sitting at Fangtasia waiting, and when Eric arrives she tells him how angry she is at not being told he’d been cured of Hep-V. When he says to Ginger, “I want to make it up to you, by f*cking you,” with Ginger replying, “Really? We really gonna f*ck?!” Eric then asks her where she’d like to do the deed.

Of course, Ginger wants to mount him on his throne, and after about a two-and-a-half second premature lady ejaculation, with Ginger displaying her complete ecstasy at finally getting it on with Eric, she slides off onto the floor, all the while making crazy noises of arousal. And seeing a baffled and bemused Eric watch Ginger with his hair messed up, I have no idea how he kept a straight face! It was one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever witnessed on the show, and getting to watch it during the final season was just perfection.

True Blood
Created by
Alan Ball
Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Sam Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Chris Bauer, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Nelsan Ellis, Deborah Ann Woll, Carrie Preston
Episode Release Date
17 August 2014
Ed’s Grade: A

Sam Merlotte left a couple of letters; one for Sookie and the other telling Andy he quit as Mayor of Bon Temps. He was shit at being the Mayor in the first place and Sam rarely got any decent storylines. There were a couple times during the show where his story-arcs could have gone somewhere better, like his relationship with Maryann Forrester, or when his mother and brother made an appearance, but for all Sam has been a generally likeable character, I’ve always felt he’s gone to waste. Anywho, he’s skipped town with the heavily pregnant Nicole after she gave him an ultimatum. While Sookie reads Sam’s letter with Jess listening on, we get to see a flashback as Sam and Nicole pack up their RV for the road trip.

As was expected, Jessica and Hoyt get back together. How this comes about is all thanks to Bill inexplicably refusing to drink Sarah’s healing blood. The seriously sick Bill is sneaked into the Fangtasia basement where Sarah Newlin is being held captive, with the yakuza dangerously nearby in the main part of the club. At this point I was wondering why they didn’t just draw some of Sarah’s blood with a needle and take it to the dying Bill for him to drink, but that would have been just too easy. As was seen at the end of the last episode, Bill refuses the blood, and after Sookie slaps him on the face a few times, Jessica asks Bill to release her as his progeny.
In a rather emotional scene that’s just what Bill does. Now free but very confused and upset (not to mention, horny), Jessica goes to Hoyt’s, but her timing couldn’t have been any worse. Right before Jess turns up at Hoyt’s, he and Bridget have just been fighting about his behaviour when he’s around Jessica. Hoyt swears he’s never seen her before, however, no sooner has Hoyt spoken those words than Jessica turns up to tell them she and Hoyt do indeed know one another, in the biblical sense.

Bridget warns Hoyt if he walks out the door to talk to Jess, they’re through. Hoyt goes with Jess. Bridget calls Jason on the phone to tell him what had happened, but, of course, she’s unaware of the history between them all. She soon finds out after Hoyt lays Jason out, leaving him with a shiner. After Jessica finishes telling Hoyt the truth about everything and how she was too young while still learning how to be a vampire, they finally have sordid sex, and all is finally right with the world. Jason even learns how not to have sex with a beautiful woman in bed beside him, as Bridget gives him lessons. I wish Ashley Hinshaw would give me lessons. I know I’d fail every time but I’d be willing to keep on trying!

Eric has a heart-to-heart with Bill, explaining to him that he felt the same way when he found out he had Hep-V. Eric tells Bill he should do it for Sookie and Jessica because they’re the one’s who’re suffering. Bill claims he’s doing it for Sookie because all he can offer her is darkness and that the only reason she’s attracted to the likes of them is because she’s fae. Bill thinks if he isn’t around, Sookie will eventually lead a normal life. There’s one big problem with Bill’s theory; he’s not the only vampire in the world. Eric even tells him, “Get over yourself, Bill.” Bill asks Eric to persuade Sookie to allow him to visit her so he can explain why he must be allowed to die, which Eric does.

Right after Eric flies Sookie home, telling her that Bill will be calling soon, he heads to Fangtasia where he has that rapid sex session with Ginger. When he goes downstairs to the basement, he finds Pam tied up to a silly contraption that will kill her if 3 ropes are cut. Mr. Gus wants to know if Sookie knows about Sarah’s blood. With only one rope left to cut, Eric caves in and tells the truth. Gus wants to know where Sookie lives, however Bill is just arriving at her home. Will the yakuza find a very weakened Bill too much to handle? Will Sookie’s fae powers take care of the problem? If you watch the attached trailer you can get some hints at what to expect in the last ever episode of True Blood. I honestly didn’t think they could pull it off but they’ve turned the series around and made this last season really count. I’m missing it already!!

by Ed Blackadder

True Blood


Episode #80: “Thank You” (series finale)

Debut: SUNDAY, AUG. 24 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET/PT)

Other HBO playdates: Aug. 24 (11:30 p.m.,2:00 a.m.), 25 (11:45 p.m.), 26 (midnight), 27 (8:00 p.m., 12:30 a.m.) and 29 (midnight)

HBO2 playdates: Aug. 25 (8:00 p.m.), 28 (2:30 a.m.) and 30 (1:15 p.m., 9:00 p.m.)

Sookie (Anna Paquin) weighs a future with and without Bill (Stephen Moyer). Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten)struggle with their uncomfortable partnership with Mr. Gus (Will Yun Lee). Sam (Sam Trammell) makes a choice, while Andy (Chris Bauer) comes upon an unexpected inheritance.

TRUE BLOOD was created by Alan Ball; based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris; executive producers, Alan Ball, Brian Buckner, Gregg Fienberg and Angela Robinson; co-executive producer, Howard Deutch; supervising producer, Kate Barnow; producers, David Auge and Bruce Dunn; co-producers, Christina Jokanovich, Ronald Cosmo Vecchiarelli and Sunday Stevens.