Los Angeles — BLB Media has announced plans to make Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 

Writer/director B. Luciano Barsuglia has said that this independently produced feature film will not only target a theatrical release, but classrooms across the world.

“We intend on making a movie that can also be a teaching tool,” notes Barsuglia. “There are, literally, more than 300 movies based on Stevenson’s novella and none of them can be used in a classroom as a viable companion piece to the classic piece of literature.”

Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is currently in pre-production and will go into production in November. It has a 2014 release currently scheduled.

Barsuglia is an expert in the subject matter, having a regular selling study guide and teaching guide for the novella on Amazon.com.

The film is currently schedule to star Jed Rowen and Bobby Field with other casting still underway.

For more detailed information visit http://jekyllhydemovie.com