I was going to head this ‘From MILF to GILF’ but didn’t want to offend, so I wont…
I’ll applaud anyone who enters fresh new territory, provided they do a respectable job in the process, and after having just watched this beautifully made film, I can honestly say it was refreshing to get new feelings from watching the simplest of things unfold, but from a brand new point of view. The things that we would take for granted, in a normal relationship become unbelievably complicated, especially when you’re seeing each others sons, and have been best friends your entire lives. If one calls it off, the others mother/son is hurt, then there’s the “what will the neighbours think?” going through their heads (well, the mothers at least considered that), as well.
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- Directed by
Anne Fontaine - Cast
Robin Wright, Naomi Watts, Xavier Samuel, James Frecheville - Release Date
6 September, 2013 - Influx Grade: B+
Written in 2003 as a short story by Doris Lessing called ‘The Grandmothers’ and scripted by Oscar winner Christopher Hampton (Atonement, Dangerous Liaison), French director Anne Fontaine, herself an accomplished writer, has given us a great tale of barriers being broken. while doing so herself, but not ruffling too many feathers in the process. It really was good watching how it could actually happen in the first place, then escalate until it all appears to be normal, but knowing time will always be there to remind the women that it can’t last forever. Being a middle-aged man, I can still see it from all sides of the argument, but more so the boys, having a crush, then suddenly having it acted upon, and at that age you don’t consider getting old, not really. The woman on the other hand, attractive as they are, know only too well the reality of the situation. I found it really amusing, as I did practically all of the first half, that these two older women who should know better, having to deal with teenage tantrums and the like, but all the while loving that they feel young again.
What I found very appealing was the way the film didn’t mess around with unneeded scenes, and skipped along with all the best bits, leaping years at a time, and never a dull moment. The acting was of a very high calibre with each of the actors experienced, but of course, getting to watch Robin Wright and Naomi Watts perform together was where this film shone. Robin Wright has always been a good actor, but I still favour her performance as Claire Underwood in the brilliant House of Cards Emmy nominated TV series, and again here, as Roz, mother of Tom (James Frecheville, The First Time). Then there was Naomi Watts, who has her new movie about Princess Diana coming out shortly, and she plays Lil, mother of Ian (Xavier Samuel).
I kind of expected this to be like watching a train wreck about to happen, with everyone left hurt, but instead was treated to an unusual sort of “feel-good” movie, where although there are some heavy prices to pay for their actions, no one comes out that badly, but I don’t think this is a bad thing, because lets face it, this sort of thing can and probably does happen. I doubt they all end very well though. That’s all I’m saying. Anyhoo, a brilliant film about something different. A must see for anyone old enough to see an R rated movie, but mature people will particularly enjoy this. I know I did.
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