Original, funny and CG free…
Director Jacob Vaughan has done a decent job of giving us a horror comedy involving the use of a puppet, but not relying on CG. So major kudos for doing it the old fashioned way, and making it work just as well, if not better than its CG laiden brethren. As far as I could tell, there wasn’t any CG used whatsoever, and other than the sort of tunnel/fish-eye effect, used when seeing through Milo’s eyes, it was effect free. The only film I’ve seen that resembles this in many ways is the crazy cult film of old, Basket Case, which I remember seeing as a lad, back in the days of VHS, and Bad Milo is most definitely a throwback to the 80’s, only this film actually has a good cast and interesting characters.
- Bad Milo
- Director
Jacob Vaughan - Cast
Peter Stormare, Gillian Jacobs, Patrick Warburton, Ken Marino - Release Date
August, 2013 - Influx Grade: B+
Ken has been having seriously bad pains in his abdomen and ends up getting a scan done of the effected area. The doctor tells Ken he can see something in his colon, but it’s stress related, and must take it easy. He also gives Ken a card with the name of a shrink who can help. Ken goes back to work, but his boss Phil (Patrick Warburton) gives him the job of handing out reduncies to co-workers which causes him more stress. He is forced to work beside a guy he clearly doesn’t like, and when Ken passes out at home, his ass monster Milo slips from it’s hiding place, and while Ken is laid out unconscious, Milo sneaks out and kills the annoying staff member.
Ken eventually goes to see Highsmith (Peter Stormare) the shrink, who finally gets to hypnotise him, and while under, Milo slips out of Ken’s butt, so now they both know what they’re dealing with. Highsmith advises him he must stay calm or Milo will come out when he feels Ken is upset about something, but Ken soon finds out it’s not that simple. Milo keeps appearing and eventually, with the help of Ken’s father and Highsmith, he must try to control his inner demon. Peter Stormare and Patrick Warburton as Phil, Ken’s crooked boss were really good, and the entire story was pretty much old-school, so because of that, plus good old puppeteering, it was very appealing — even when Ken was going about covered in crap for the final act. This is a movie I can easily recommend to anyone wanting an old-fashioned comedy horror.