Award-winning screenwriter Adam Poulos took some time to discuss his most recent project and more with INFLUX
Adam Poulos is an award-winning screenwriter and his current script has been earning multiple honors on the festival circuit. He has a hardcopy and kindle version of his current script available on Amazon as well, as he navigates the waters of the industry and works toward gaining exposure and hoping to seen his screenplay produced one day soon.
I had the chance to ask Adam a few questions recently about his writing, his process, and about himself.
This screenplay, “Soul Survivors – An Obsession Of The Heart Part One,” has been a long time in the making for you. Tell us about your journey in writing it.
ADAM: I would say the journey is about coming full circle of a dream I had of being a writer and gave up on when the breaks did not occur. Revisiting a dream thirty years later and winning awards, is amazing to be recognized as a talented writer.
What is it that brought you to screenwriting, and to this story in particular?
ADAM: I took many college courses on film and have always been fascinated with aspects of symbolism, etc. The story thirty years ago was about using life experiences and so parts are based on personal true events.
The script has been well-received and won multiple awards. Is there something in the festival/award circuit that you are particularly proud of having achieved?
ADAM: The first award I received was a trophy at the Imaginarium convention for the top three long format screenplay and I will never forget my first trophy. Being the winner in two other contests was amazing to be recognized as the best screenwriter.
You revisited screenwriting after a conversation with a relative, did you have any intention of returning to the craft prior to that?
ADAM: I never thought of revisiting it again until that conversation that restarted my creative writing style again.
What was the most challenging aspect of writing this story?
ADAM: After the first ten pages it just started flowing. The most challenging aspect is the multiple editing and rewrites.
It sounds like you have a sequel planned? Is that written? In process? Without giving spoilers, what can be expected?
ADAM: The sequel has been completed and was never intended. I do mediation and the ending came to me and I wrote the whole story backwards from the ending and was an exciting way to do it and build everything to the ending. The story continues with each character having to experience unexpected life and death issues.
What’s next for this script? Where would you like to see it go from here?
ADAM: Having the script sold and produced would be the dream.
In a dream-come-true-scenario, who directs and stars in the movie once it goes to the big screen?
ADAM: I would have to say it would be Ryan Gosling and director Nick Cassavetes. The reason why is that there has been comparisons to the movie The Notebook and Ryan Gosling would still be in the age character. I can honestly swear that I did not know anything about the movie and watched it for the first time four months ago.
What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects?
ADAM: I am currently writing a short story mystery and intend on creating a full feature screenplay.
Is there anything additional you would like to add about this project or your screenwriting?
ADAM: I believe reflecting on life experiences to base writing off of and being older definitely helps in having more life experience.