“Joseph Villapaz constructed a story that left me wanting more.”

by Martin Hafer

Love Eterne is a short film that seems more like a snippet of a larger film idea as opposed to a self-contained film in and of itself. This is not a complaint, merely an observation regarding the style of the short.

Rather than going with convention by having a beginning, middle and end, writer-director Joseph Villapaz’s short film picks up in the middle where Melissa Navia and Bonnie Piesse do a very nice job with the material.

Love Eterne
Written & Directed by
Joseph Villapaz
Melissa Navia, James Gill, Bonnie Piesse
Release Date
19 February 2011
Martin’s Grade: B+

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It seems that a man has just very recently died. His fiancee Medina is, not surprisingly, depressed and withdrawn when I friend stops by to check on her. Sidonia is naturally worried and tries to help her friend deal with this great loss. Unusually, you learn that the visiting friend has psychic abilities and Medina wishes that Sidonia had somehow known that the man would die, and perhaps warned her not to fall in love and waste the last three years of her life.

Joseph Villapaz constructed a story that left me wanting more. He also was fortunate to have two very talented actresses help elevate his material and breath life into the characters. As a result, the story is very professionally made and well worth seeing.