The future does not look bright for Jax Teller. In fact, it looks downright dismal. Jax has always been the outlier standing on the edge and staring into the abyss, but now, it seems like he just might slip and fall into the great unknown.

Jax began the series as the Sons of Anarchy MC’s Vice President. In case you’re new to the show, MC means “motorcycle club” and SOA is, well, figure it out, come on!

His father, the founder of the club, died long ago, leaving Jax with questions about his own place in life and within the club. Ultimately, Jax wrestles control away from his surrogate father, Clay Morrow, and takes command of the Sons of Anarchy. For better or worse, it Jax’s club as the series comes to a conclusion.

But rather than looking ahead just yet, let’s reflect and review seasons past of Sons of Anarchy.

Season 1 Rundown and Review

We are introduced to the core characters, most of whom are still on the show. In brief, There’s Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam) heir to the throne of the Sons of Anarchy. Jax is constantly at odds with the current president and surrogate father, Clay Morrow (Ron Perlman). Jax’s father died many years prior. Clay took over the club and married Jax’s mom, Gemma (Katey Segal). Gemma is a manipulative and scheming person intent on maintaining her way of life. These are the first tier players.

On the second tier are father and son members Piney (William Lucking) and Opie Winston (Ryan Hurst). Piney and Opie are often the closest the SOA get to relying on a moral center. Fellow club members include longtime Bobby Munson (Mark Boone Junior), the ever-loyal Tig Trager (Kim Coats), the IRA gun-running connection Chibs Telford (Tommy Flanagan), and the always conflicted Juice Ortiz (Theo Rossi).

Complications surround Police Chief Wayne Unser (Dayton Callie) and his deputy, David Hale (Taylor Sheridan). Unser is a friend to the club, who at one-time believed the Sons could help keep the town of Charming safe. Hale is a law-abiding policeman, set on cleaning up Unser and the town.

Further complicating matters is the return of Jax’s former girlfriend, Tara Knowles (Maggie Siff), a surgeon who returns to Charming from the big city. She is soon to rekindle her relationship with Jax and appears destined to remain in Charming — good, bad, or otherwise.




Creator Kurt Sutter is an expert at digging his characters into deep holes that appear to be caving in, but somehow or another, he also finds acceptable (although often improbable) ways for the main characters to escape their impending doom and come out ahead.

Over the course of the first season, Jax comes across a journal written by his deceased father. He learns what a conflicted man his father was about the direction the Sons were heading. The manuscript reveals that his father, John, also feared that Gemma and Clay, already in a relationship, would work together to kill him (John) and take over the club. Jax’s life is in turmoil in more ways then one and he looks to distance himself from the Sons but can never seem to do so.

Special Agent Stahl (Ally Walker) emerges as a dangerous adversary attempting to get the club to turn itself inside out. She sets up Opie to appear like a rat, ready to help bring down the SOA. However, the manipulation backfires and Opie’s wife is murdered at the command of club president, Clay Morrow. When Jax learns of the murder, the evil within Clay becomes known to him.

Click here for Season 1 [EXPAND SPOILERSClay commands the death of Opie, thinking him to be a turncoat. Always loyal, Tig carries out the command, but accidentally kills Opie’s wife, Donna. The club learns that Opie was setup and not a traitor and Jax learns of Clay’s plans to have Opie killed. In the final moments of the season, Tara takes her place by Jax’s side, and Jax makes it clear that rather than walking away, the club will one day be his. Jax also learns that his father, John, left a copy of the journal with Piney. This sets up a split in club loyalties and the ultimate death of Piney in Season 4.[/EXPAND]

Season 1 Grade: A

 SEASON 2 >>>

Well, Season 6 is here, and supposedly, it signifies the end. Curious how Influx thinks that will go? Then check out our articleSons of Anarchy: The Hamlet Conclusion.

Article by Gordon Shelly.