The premise is great…

In Your Eyes was written by Joss Wedon and he is also the executive producer.  Considering his track record, I was expecting a heck of a movie.  Instead,  I saw a heck of a premise but as the film progressed, it felt less and less satisfying.  It’s a shame, as I really wanted to love this film as I like romantic movies and it did hook me early on in the film.

Zoe Kazan stars as Rebecca—a married woman who lives in a rather cold marriage.  Michael Stahl-Davis stars as David—a single man who has a long history as a screw-up. He’s an ex-con on parole and his life is rather dull and empty.  Soon both begin hearing a voice inside their head and experiencing strange pains and sensations.  A bit later, they can even see what the voice in their head sees.  They both realize that somehow, they are psychically connected to each other—even though he lives in New Mexico and she in New England!  At first this scares them, but soon they enjoy the sensation and spend more and more time talking to each other.  But, in order to hear the other person, they need to talk out loud—and this causes HUGE problems for each of them.  Soon, everyone thinks the pair are nuts—and this comes as no surprise.

In Your Eyes
Directed by
Brin Hill
Jennifer Grey, Nikki Reed, Zoe Kazan
Release Date
20 April 2014
Martin’s Grade: C-

What I have told you so far I really liked. It was quirky and fun.  But what to do with this—that was a serious problem for me as I watched.  One problem is that Rebecca IS married and the scene of the pair mutually masturbating because they other can see and feel this disturbed me.  Call me old fashioned, but it seemed like adultery—and that’s something that makes it very hard to care about the couple.  If she was having marital problems, why not talk them out with your husband?  And, if you have your own psychic hotline to a friend across the country, why not arrange to meet them like any normal pair of people would do?!  Instead, the final portion of the film reminded me of E.T. running from the federal agents—as David jumped probation and stole a car to rescue Rebecca!  And, when the film ends, neither have any place to go nor any money and it’s winter.  I guess the message is to just run away from your problems and magic will make them go away!  Don’t these details seem important to anyone?!


All in all, the premise for In Your Eyes was wonderful but the script seemed to have a lot of holes and illogical scenes.  And, it’s a shame as Kazan and Stahl-Davis REALLY were wonderful in the film—very likable and very, very capable actors.

By the way, if you do watch the film, think of what it would have been like if in the end of the movie it turned out that only one of them actually existed and they WERE schizophrenic—now that would have been interesting.

Review by Lead Entertainment Writer & Film Critic, Martin Hafer